In a couple weeks, I’ll be at the MAA MathFest 2015 summer conference to facilitate a minicourse on “Creating Flipped Learning Experiences in the College Mathematics Classroom”. Of course, the minicourse itself will be a flipped learning experience, with participants doing some homework to learn about flipped learning and prepare for the main activity of the minicourse, which is a team project to build a complete flipped version of a single lesson.

I’ve done workshops like this before and I usually begin by giving an in-depth example of how I have used flipped learning design on one of my own classes. And I’m always kind of sorry I did it, because it consistently takes me 20 minutes to describe the example in sufficient depth, and that’s 20 minutes that participants could have been working instead. Wouldn’t it be better to make a video of this and give to participants to watch prior to the workshop?

You bet it would be, but I’ve just been to lazy busy to make it happen… until now. I’m posting this video up for the world to see, and for me to reuse later on. It’s ridiculously long at just under 21 minutes, so grab the popcorn and take breaks if you need.

There are some disconnects and issues in this video. First of all the Guided Practice I show is for the current Summer 2015 course but the group activity is for Fall 2014. Also I don’t have the learning objectives precisely mapped into the Bloom pyramid. And I vacillate between whether I want students to “master” the basic learning objectives or simply “be fluent” with them when they com to class. But anyway, here it is with all the warts, and hopefully it’s useful.

See anything you like in particular, or any issues you want to discuss?