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Photo by Ivan Aleksic on Unsplash

And it's not your or your students' fault

Traditional grading is broken.

It might not be fixable.

But it is replaceable.

And now is the time.

Traditional grading is broken. It might not be fixable. But it is replaceable, and now is the time.


What is traditional grading?
How is it broken?
How might we replace it?

Traditional grading is...

An invention of administrators and faculty meetings
Designed to solve administrative problems
A product of early-20th century industrial ideas
Not inherently part of higher education
Not the result of research or mindful practice

How all significant learning works:

Feedback loop

Traditional grading lacks construct validity

Course grade = average of three exam scores, 100 max. What is each student's final grade?
Exam 1 Exam 2 Exam 3 Total
Alice 0 80 100 180
Bob 60 60 60 180

Traditional grading lacks statistical meaning

Traditional numerical grades != numerical data Michigan ZIP codes

Traditional grading is demotivating

Traditional grading is broken. It might not be fixable.

But it is replaceable.

Venn diagram of alternatives

The Four Pillars of Alternative Grading

The Four Pillars

How does this work in _____?

List of case studies in G4G book

Example: Discrete Structures for Computer Science 1, Winter 2024 at GVSU

QR code for MTH 225 Syllabus

Clear Standards

Learning Target example Learning Target example

Helpful Feedback

Feedback example Feedback example

Marks That Indicate Progress

Marks that indicate progress example Marks that indicate progress example

Reattempts without penalty

Skills: Retry unsuccessful attempts on a future Checkpoint
Challenge Problems: Revise with feedback and submit a revision (up to 3x per week)
Checkpoint schedule

Keep it simple

Photo by Sarah Dorweiler on Unsplash

You don't have to do it all

Photo by Tengyart on Unsplash

Pick one pillar and do one thing.

Traditional grading is broken.

It might not be fixable.

But it is replaceable.

And now is the time.

Cover of Grading for Growth book
