
Hi there. I’m Robert Talbert and welcome to my website.

I am a Professor in the Mathematics Department at Grand Valley State University in Allendale, Michigan USA. In this position I teach 2-3 classes a semester, conduct research (mostly in the teaching and learning of undergraduate mathematics, but sometimes in pure mathematics), and serve the university and the broader community in a number of ways.

My undergraduate degree is in Mathematics from Tennessee Technological University. My Ph.D. degree is in Mathematics from Vanderbilt University (1997) where I studied algebraic topology, homological algebra, and category theory under the direction of Efstratios Prassidis. Prior to GVSU, I was on the faculty at Bethel College (Indiana) and Franklin College.

I’m active as a speaker and consultant in the areas of flipped learning, teaching with technology, self-regulated learning, and other areas. To learn more about my speaking and consulting, please head over to my Speaking page.

The main page of this website contains blog articles, all of which are on some linear combination of mathematics, technology, teaching, and productivity. This blog is the latest incarnation of my former blog Casting Out Nines, which began in 2006 and spent 2011—2015 as a featured blog at the Chronicle of Higher Education. The old articles from the Chronicle days are not posted here but rather are archived at the Chronicle. You can access those here and then search for what you’re looking for.

To contact me, please use any of the email or social media contacts in the sidebar.

To learn a little more about me and my teaching approach, here’s a short video that was made by GVSU when I won the Pew Teaching With Technology award in 2015.