More research on large active learning spaces: the TEAL project
To follow up on the last 1000-word literature review on SCALE-UP, the TEAL project at MIT studied implementing active learning in large physics classes using...
To follow up on the last 1000-word literature review on SCALE-UP, the TEAL project at MIT studied implementing active learning in large physics classes using...
One thing that belongs in your syllabus is an explicit statement of when you are available and when you are not, to set boundaries between work and the rest ...
Can you take active learning techniques for introductory physics that work for smaller classes and successfully implement them for large sections? This class...
While a fully-realized syllabus is essential for the first day of a class, some information we often put into them is better left unsaid at first.
Restarting the 4+1 Interview series with questions for Andrew Kim, manager of the Workspace Futures group at Steelcase.